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HDL™ 2.5 Macro

Third-party testing confirms that our loupes deliver the clearest image quality in the industry with best-in-class optical resolution and light transmission.

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‭Delivering an equivalent image quality to the HDL 2.5 Micro, the HDL 2.5 Macro distinguishes itself with sizeable field width that allows instruments to be transitioned into the field of view with ease.

An elongated bezel also works to reduce head tilt by capitalizing on steeper declination angles.


A recent third-party lab study confirms that we offer the clearest 2.5x loupe in the industry. 


All-optical systems are made with Grade A fine annealed glass lenses fused with anti-scratch and anti-reflective coatings.

All carrier lenses are made with High Index polycarbonate material.


Mounting Options

  • Through-the-Lens

Magnification Power

  • 2.5x

Field Width

  • 4.0"(10.40 cm)

  • Measured at 18” working distance without eye prescription

Field Depth

  • 5.0"(12,70 cm)

  • Measured at 18” working distance without eye prescription


  • 1,8 oz (50,70 gr) 

    Measured on Orascoptic Victory™ frame

Working Distance

  • Customized to each user

Declination Angle

  • Customized to each user

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