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RDH EliteEdge™

This hygiene-focused loupe features ComforTilt™ technology which allows you to adjust your own declination angle.

Our latest RDH loupe, the RDH EliteEdge™ allows you to achieve your personal balance of comfort and posture as never before. This hygiene loupe is equipped with an unmatched suite of adjustable features – most notably the ability to fine-tune the declination angle of your loupes using ComforTilt™ technology. The adjustable nose pad can be moved up and down in addition to being spread or compressed to achieve the optimal fit for your specific facial geometry.

User-adjustable declination angle, an adjustable nose pad, and the next step in innovation in temple arm flexibility give the user unmatched ability to achieve the optimal fit.

This loupe also features a head strap that clips into the tips of the temple arms for a more secure fit. RDH EliteEdge is available in two sizes, and four colors and supports all prescription types.


All optical systems are made with Grade A fine annealed glass lenses fused with anti-scratch and anti-reflective coatings.

All carrier lenses are made with High Index polycarbonate material.

*Measured on the RDH EliteEdge sport frame option.

RDH EliteEdge_spec.jpg

Mounting Options

  • Through-the-Lens

Magnification Power

  • 2.5x

Field Width

  • 4.0"  (10.20 cm)

  • Measured at 18” working distance without eye prescription

Field Depth

  • 6.0" (15.20 cm)

    Measured at 18” working distance without eye prescription


  • 1,5 oz (43.3 g) - TTL 

Working Distance

  • Customized to each user

Declination Angle

  • Customized to each user

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